Book: Powerful Asian Moms

I read many books, and now my work is in a book!

I had the pleasure of contributing my art and writing to an immensely meaningful international publication, “Powerful Asian Moms”, an anthology by independent publisher Spill Stories. The book captures essays, poems, art, photography, and crafts from contributors all over the globe, narrating and celebrating strong and powerful Asian mothers from all walks of life.

Within a day of launch, it was picked by Kickstarter’s staff as a “Project We Love”.

My piece was an ode to love, powered by love, and translated into three languages. Here’s a sneak peek of a page with my art below.

The book was swiftly funded via Kickstarter and is now available internationally. Most notably, it recently sold out at the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, 2023.

Get your hardcover, paperback, or ebook here 🛒 .


Book List | 2021


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